Monday, 2 July 2012

A Good Week

Happy day after Canada Day!

What a great weekend. Kevin's parents came up, along with Kevin's little sister and Aunt Becky and Uncle Denis. Saturday night we all went to the Hartwigs' for a barbeque and fireworks. What a fantastic time. Chloe impressed us, not even flinching or getting upset with the noise or the fact she was up past 11, She even smiled during the fireworks. Seriously, a great time.

Joyously Chloe has been spasm free for a week now!! We are overjoyed with this first (of many, Lord willing) small steps. 

As it stands it seems as if Chloe's meds seem to be leveling off where as her appetite seems to have disappeared, we suspect this is because of constipation. A few nights ago she had bad go of some milk that led to some midnight vomiting which has made feeding her even more difficult. Add that to the constipation and we've had one cranky baby. We think we now know what the difficulties are so we can deal with it but prayers would be appreciated. Thankfully she is nursing so it's not as bad as it could be. When she is eating, she's on a soft diet for the next little while. Unfortunately the Prednisone seems to effect Chloe's swallowing so we've had a few choking scares. Her doctor is sending her for something called an Eating survey which means they'll give Chloe something to drink that they can x-ray to see if there's anything that causes the food to block when she eats. That hasn't be scheduled but will be coming soon.

Chloe's next EEG is July 12th so we'll have a better idea of where things are. 

Sorry for the short post.

Ohhh... Pretty sparkles!



  1. good to hear from you guys. we miss you all so very much. hope to come for a visit in few weeks :-) Joseph circumcision will take place on Sunday the 8th.

    Mira for all the gang :)

  2. So happy to hear Cody! You've been in my prayers and thoughts.

  3. How did Chloes EEG go on the 12th? If I'm right, you probably haven't even seen a Dr for the results?
